Wind Instruments

Nicole Heibl
Nicole Heibl studied flute at the Anton Bruckner Private University Linz with Prof. Helmut Trawöger and at the MUK Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna, where she completed her master's degree with Karl-Heinz Schütz with distinction. Numerous master classes and workshops complemented her artistic training, with Alexandra Uhlig and Andrea Wild providing important impulses. Through her substitute work with the Vienna Symphony Orchestra and the Tonkünstlerorchester Niederösterreich, as well as with other smaller ensembles and orchestras, she gained valuable experience for her orchestral playing at an early stage. Concert tours have taken Nicole Heibl to Japan, China and America, among other places. As an enthusiastic chamber musician, she performs with the Duo luft:zug and with colleagues from the Linz Music School, where she has been a flute teacher since 2010. Since 2020 she is also the coordinator of the woodwind section at the Music School Linz and coordinates the symphonic orchestra. She started her studies for music education at the ABPU Linz in September 2023.