Wind Instruments

Sebastian Sima
Sebastian Sima (formerly Skocic) studied with Harald Hörth at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna and graduated with distinction.
Active orchestral activity in orchestras such as the Vienna Chamber Orchestra, the Tonkünstler Orchestra of Lower Austria, ORF Radio Symphony Orchestra Vienna, the Vienna State and Volksoper, and the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. In the season 2021-22 he had a temporary contract as principal oboist of the Vienna State Opera.
He premiered pieces such as the Gedankensplitter for oboe solo by Friedrich Cerha in the presence of the composer, the Martinu Oboe Quartet at the Radio Kulturhaus, the Sonata di Chiesa by Ernst Ludwig Leitner as part of the Gmundner Festwochen, and the Fantasia for oboe and organ by Peter Planyavsky as part of the organ cycle at the Radio Kulturhausthe , both as a soloist and also in chamber music ensembles.
Further premieres took place with the ensemble Die Reihe and as a member of the ensemble XXI. jahrhundert.